Kenya 2018, Fire Conference
Charles and his wife Jane are the Pastors and Leaders of Logos Celebration International Ministries in Kenya, they were the conference hosts. I thank God for them and all they are doing, as well as all the leaders, pastors and believers of all ages there, we had an incredible time together.
In my scheduled meetings with the adults and youth at the conference I taught on the anointing, the Holy Spirit and the fire of God as the main messages as well as short powerful teachings on giving and sowing & reaping, with testimonies throughout. I asked God to touch his people and prophesied to individuals as well as prayed for individuals. God's fire and joy filled His people. Glory to God!
In the meetings I had with the youth and children only we did Bible charades; read about Zaccheus, the woman at the well, and feeding the 5000. I taught them the song "Let the Fire Fall", we praised God together, prayed together and I prayed for each child. It was absolutely precious, powerful and wonderful! We had a lot of fun too!
Praising and worshipping God together with the adults and youth was joy-full! Love, joy, peace, truth, encouragement, provision, praise & worship, teaching, prophecy, spiritual songs, evangelism were all on the menu and people of all ages were hungry and filled. Praise the Lord! I was refreshed too as I shared, joy joy joy! His joy is our strength! God's word and presence are awesome. REJOICING IN ALL GOD DID!
In my scheduled meetings with the adults and youth at the conference I taught on the anointing, the Holy Spirit and the fire of God as the main messages as well as short powerful teachings on giving and sowing & reaping, with testimonies throughout. I asked God to touch his people and prophesied to individuals as well as prayed for individuals. God's fire and joy filled His people. Glory to God!
In the meetings I had with the youth and children only we did Bible charades; read about Zaccheus, the woman at the well, and feeding the 5000. I taught them the song "Let the Fire Fall", we praised God together, prayed together and I prayed for each child. It was absolutely precious, powerful and wonderful! We had a lot of fun too!
Praising and worshipping God together with the adults and youth was joy-full! Love, joy, peace, truth, encouragement, provision, praise & worship, teaching, prophecy, spiritual songs, evangelism were all on the menu and people of all ages were hungry and filled. Praise the Lord! I was refreshed too as I shared, joy joy joy! His joy is our strength! God's word and presence are awesome. REJOICING IN ALL GOD DID!
Anointing, Holy Spirit, Fire of God, Joy references: Luke 3: 15-23; Luke 4:1, 13-22; Psalm 2: 2-4; Zephaniah 3:17; 2 Corinthians 1: 21-22; John 7: 37-39; Matthew 3:11; Acts 1: 8; Acts 2; Acts 19: 1-7; I Peter 1:8; Matthew 25:21; Psalm 16:11; Ephesians 5:18; Mark 5:25-34; Acts 5:14-15; Mark 16: 15 – 20
Giving, Sowing & Reaping references: Malachi 3: 10-11; 2 Corin 9: 6-14; Philippians 4: 14-20; Genesis 26: 1-6, 12
Giving, Sowing & Reaping references: Malachi 3: 10-11; 2 Corin 9: 6-14; Philippians 4: 14-20; Genesis 26: 1-6, 12